REDEC 2025 Zouk Mosbeh, Lebanon 24-26 September
International Conference on Renewable Energies for Developing countries

About REDEC 2025

The 7th International Conference on Renewable Energy in Developing Countries REDEC 2025 will be held in Zouk Mosbeh – Lebanon. REDEC 2025 is a specific scientific conference that helps in finding innovative and adequate solutions for energy saving and production in developing countries. During the previous editions, participants from across the globe have discussed the scientific issues that were presented and subsequently published in IEEE Xplore. Due to the fruitful results, the organization of REDEC has added new topics on smart grids and microgrids, energy and climate actions, electric transportation, green production and decarbonization, giving more opportunity to a wide profile of participants to present their work in the domain of renewable energy and related research. Papers written in either English or French are acceptable.

For Authors

Submitted papers must represent original work, not announced, published, or presented elsewhere.

All accepted and presented papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings, and those written in English will be submitted for inclusion in the IEEEXplore Digital Library.


1-Download the paper template (maximum of 6 pages per paper) IEEE Paper Template.doc

2- Fill the IEEE e-copyright form through EDAS (should be submitted with the final version of the accepted paper) 

3- For the submission of the paper, please access your EDAS account through the direct link of the conference: EDAS. (New members in EDAS are required to open an account).  
Instructions for Authors on how to submit a paper via EDAS.

N.B: PDF Instructions for Authors

- Create your manuscript following the above template.

- Proofread and check your manuscript

- Convert your manuscript into pdf file using PDF Express following the below steps:

- Log in to IEEE PDF Express

- Conference ID# 58286X

- Select the "New Users" for First-time users or log in with your personal account

- Continue to enter information as prompted.

- Note that after receiving your pdf file from Pdf Express via mail, you should submit it through EDAS.